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Row Context Menu

This example demonstrates how to create a custom row context menu with interactive actions. The menu appears when right-clicking on a row header and provides menu items with actions.

Key features:

  • Custom row context menu implementation
  • Actions with visual indicators
  • Styled menu buttons with hover effects

import { defineCustomElements } from '@revolist/revogrid/loader';
import { currentTheme, useRandomData } from '../composables/useRandomData';
import { rowHeaders, ContextMenuPlugin, RowHeaderPlugin, ColumnStretchPlugin } from '@revolist/revogrid-pro';
import type { ContextMenuConfig } from '@/release/plugins/context-menu/context-menu.types';
const { createRandomData } = useRandomData();
const { isDark } = currentTheme();
const grid = document.querySelector('revo-grid');
if (grid) {
grid.source = createRandomData(100);
// Define columns
grid.columns = [
name: '🆔 ID',
prop: 'id',
name: '🍎 Fruit',
prop: 'name',
size: 180,
name: '💰 Price',
prop: 'price',
// Define plugin
grid.plugins = [RowHeaderPlugin, ContextMenuPlugin, ColumnStretchPlugin];
grid.rowHeaders = rowHeaders({ showHeaderFocusBtn: true });
const rowContextMenu: ContextMenuConfig = {
items: [
name: 'Add row above',
action: (_, cell) => {
if (!cell) {
grid.source.splice(cell.y, 0, {
id: 0,
name: 'New row',
price: 0,
grid.source = [...grid.source];
name: 'Add row below',
action: (_, cell) => {
if (!cell) {
grid.source.splice(cell.y + 1, 0, {
id: 0,
name: 'New row',
price: 0,
grid.source = [...grid.source];
name: (focused, range) => {
if (!focused) {
return '';
if (!range) {
range = {
x: 0,
y: focused.y,
x1: 0,
y1: focused.y,
const rows = range.y1 - range.y + 1;
if (!range || rows < 2) {
return 'Delete row';
return `Delete ${rows} rows`;
action: (_, focused, range) => {
if (!focused) {
if (!range) {
range = {
x: 0,
y: focused.y,
x1: 0,
y1: focused.y,
const rows = range.y1 - range.y + 1;
grid.source.splice(range.y, rows);
grid.source = [...grid.source];
grid.additionalData = {
// Define context menu
stretch: 'all'
// Set theme
grid.theme = isDark() ? 'darkCompact' : 'compact';