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Installing RevoGrid Pro Plugins

Plugins can be installed in several ways

Depending on your preference and setup:

  • Pre-Built Version from Portal
    For a quick setup, use the pre-built version from current Portal.
  • NPM Package
    Install RevoGrid Pro from our private GitHub Package Registry.
  • Building from Source
    For maximum control, you can build the RevoGrid Pro plugins from source.
    This allows you to customize the build process if needed.

Pre-Built Version

Option 1: Directly Include in Builds

  • Copy the into your project’s assets or libs folder.
  • Link the necessary JavaScript and CSS files in your HTML or import them into your JavaScript/TypeScript files.
<script src="path/to/revogrid-pro.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/revogrid-pro.css" />

Or in your module-based project:

import 'path/to/revogrid-pro.js';
import 'path/to/revogrid-pro.css';
// If using build tools like Webpack or Vite:
// Add the ./release folder path to your resolve or alias configuration to reference the files.
resolve: {
alias: {
'@revogrid-pro': path.resolve(__dirname, 'path/to/release'),

This option is particularly suitable for quick testing or projects that don’t rely on npm for dependency management.

Option 2: package.json Using Local Files

For projects where you want to use a local version of the RevoGrid Pro plugins during development, you can reference the plugin files directly in your package.json. This method is especially useful if you’re working with a cloned version of the repository or testing custom modifications.

Steps to Import Using Local Files:

  1. Download files from the link above and extract them to a local folder.

  2. Set Up the Local Reference in package.json. In your project’s package.json file, reference the local folder containing the RevoGrid Pro plugins. For example:

"dependencies": {
"@revolist/revogrid-pro": "file:./release"
  1. Install Dependencies. Run the following command to install the local plugin:
Terminal window
npm install
  1. NPM will create a symlink to the specified folder, allowing you to use the local files as if they were an npm package. Use the Plugin in Your Project. Import the RevoGrid Pro plugins as you would with any npm package:
import { ColumnStretchPlugin } from '@revolist/revogrid-pro';

NPM Package

Private GitHub Registry

For additional guidance on installing from GitHub’s private registry, please refer to the official GitHub Packages documentation.

Building from Source

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
Terminal window
git clone
cd revogrid-pro
  1. Run the build command to generate the plugin package:
Terminal window
npm run build:plugin
  1. After the build completes, you’ll find the generated files in the /release/dist folder, ready for use in your project.

Choose the method that best suits your workflow, and enjoy the powerful features of RevoGrid Pro plugins!